
How to deal with nerves?

Jason Goldsworthy

Dealing with nerves is something we all have to learn. Some have more trouble with nerves then others, but I do believe all mediums have it to some extent. I remember when I just started out on this path that I could not swallow one bit before doing a private reading. Or later when I started doing church services and mediumship demonstrations, I remember seeing the toilets a lot. I usually told the organizers that I was sitting in the power...

Luckily, for me, the nerves subsided over the years. Partially because I learned to control them and partially, because of experience. The first time you stand in front of a full church with all those eyes on you, it can be nerve-wracking. After all these years of doing it, it is less nerve-wracking and sometimes even enjoyable.

In this video I have shared some tips with you all to overcome the nerves so that it does not interfere with your mediumship.

 I hope you enjoy the video, feel free to share, or subscribe to the youtube channel so that you are notified when I go live.

Love, Jason

by Jason Goldsworthy 3 September 2023
My latest youtube
Mediumship Membership Community
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 2 June 2022
Maybe you have not heard it, but since april this year I have my very own mediumship community on You can find it via this link . ( For only 9,99 USD per month you can watch videos, talk with each other, get to know new people, have a one hour live session with Jason and with Ursula each month together with the group, new theme based videos uploaded every month! It's a lovely community of people who love spirituality and mediumship, who want to share and inspire, so why not join them and us! This video is the recording I did for may, all about life. Enjoy, and join our community so that you can get access to all the recordings. Love, Jason
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 12 May 2022
The last video in my series about the six clairs, This one is all about clairgustance, also known as clairtasting. Some mediums can taste the favourite foods of a passed loved one. Being a former chef myself, I can sometimes not only taste the food but also the ingredients of that recipe. Sometimes mediums can taste a favourite alcohol or a medicine with a definite taste. This is what the spirit world can bring as evidence of their survival. It is not one of the most used clairs, but definitely worth trying to practise and develop it. Enjoy the video and feel free to share. Love, Jason
clairalience by Jason Goldsworthy
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 5 May 2022
And here is the next one in the series about the clairs, clairalience or clairsmelling. Smells can be powerful triggers to bring back a memory. This also goes for memories of loved ones, your mothers favorite perfume, or your granddads cologne, or a typical smelling cigar that your neighbour used to smoke. If you are giving a reading and all of a sudden smell something then this can mean that the spirit world is giving you a message about them through this smell. If you watch the video, then you will find out more about my views of clairalience and how you can use it, enjoy and feel free to share. Love, Jason
Claircognizance by Jason Goldsworthy
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 21 April 2022
I have just realised that it has been a while since I wrote a blog. As you may have guessed writing is not my biggest passion, but I do enjoy making videos. And I have been making those every week for you all to watch and learn from. There are so many wrong ideas about mediumship that I feel it is important to keep making these videos to bring out clear, down to earth views on mediumship and the spirit world. My last couple of videos have been about each of the clairs, I have done clairvoyance (, clairsentience ( and clairaudience ( and this week I have done claircognizance. Clairvoyance is all about seeing, you can see objectively with your own eyes or subjectively, eg with your third eye. Clairsentience is all about feeling, you can feel what the spirit communicator is giving you as evidence. Clairadience is where you hear the spirit communicator, and claircognizance is where you just know what spirit is letting you know. I hope you enjoy this series about the clairs. Love, Jason
joy with spirit Jason Goldsworthy
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 31 March 2022
Joy with Spirit! So many times students come to me because they have lost all joy of working with the spirit world. Usually because they put too much pressure on themselves or they are in a wrong circle or course where they get critisised too much. They lose their confidence and they lose their joy of doing the work. I believe that this is not what spirit wants. They want to work with us, they want the world to know that they are there. They want us to have great lifes and do great work for them. So why is this happening? Why do we beat ourselves and our fellow students, mediums up about how we work? Partly it is human nature. Most of us are perfectionists, or insecure, or have a strong will to do things the right way. But, what is the right way? And who are we to decide what the right way is. Does spirit not know for the best what the right way is. We are all different and we all work in a different way, which gives spirit the chance to work with us all in the way they suits us and them best. We as mediums, need to let go of the want to control and to be perfect. We are perfect just as we are. We put too much emphasis on evidence and bringing the best evidence for the sitter. And yes, if you are a working medium and you ask money from your clients then you should be able to bring this so that they are convinced that their loved ones are still with them. But to get to this stage takes time, it can take many many years before you are ready to give private readings or do demonstrations of mediumship. All this time is for you, to learn, to develop, to become confident and to find joy in the work that you do. If there is one thing that I have learned over all my many years of mediumship it is to keep on enjoying yourself. Do not go out there to work too soon, give yourself a chance to become the natural medium that you are meant to be. Enjoy and feel free to share! Love, Jason
When in Rome, by Jason Goldsworthy
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 15 March 2022
Rome, an amazing city with so much to see. My feet hurt, my back is in pain, but it was so worth it. The colloseum, the Vatican,the Trevi fountain, the hundreds of churches, the Pantheon, the aquaucts, the forum, there was so much. The energy was wonderful, there are some real power spots to be found. We, Ursula and myself, explored the city for three days and I can recommend it to anyone. It is worth a visit. On the rooftop of our hotel a lovely terrace was built, not open yet, because it was too cold, but you could sit there and watch the city from above. One morning when I woke early, I decided to go upto the roof to record a meditation for you all to enjoy. So you could all share in a little bit of the roman feeling. Enjoy and feel free to share! Love, Jason
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 1 March 2022
We mogen weer! En we hebben er zin in . Wie zijn we? John Eversdijk en Joke Hetem, bekend van de Inner Journey en de Amersfoort Spiritualist Church, en Ursula en ikzelf, gaan samen een weekend mediumschaps retraite organiseren. Waar? Het Dominicanen Klooster in Huissen ( Stadsdam 1, 6851 AH Huissen, Netherlands) Wanneer? 10, 11 en 12 juni 2022 Wat zit erbij? H et weekend is all in, met overnachtingen, vegetarisch eten, koffie. Wat gaan we doen? Mediumschap, healing en spiritualiteit. Je gaat zelf aan de slag om dit weekend een grote stap te maken in je mediumschap en jezelf. Wij begeleiden je in liefde en de spirituele wereld begeleid je op hun liefdevolle manier. Je zult je uitgerust, opgeladen, en vrij voelen na dit weekend. Wat kost dit? Een standaard arrangem ent, dit is een gedeelde kamer, toilet en douche op de gang, kost 395 Euro. Wil je een eigen kamer dan komt hier Eur 19,50 per nacht bij op. Wil je een gedeelde kamer met eigen douche dan komt hier een toeslag van Eur 10,- per persoon per nacht bij. Wil je een eigen kamer met eigen douche, dan komt er Eur 29,50 per nacht bij. Ik wil erbij zijn! Dat kan, je kan je aanmelden via de mail .  Love, Jason
The power of grounding Jason Goldsworthy
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 24 February 2022
Staying grounded is such an important part of your life when you are working with energy such as the energy of the spirit world. The energy of the earth is something that we can draw our own energy from. It is no wonder that almost all of us feel better after being in nature, or standing barefoot in a gras field. The earth energy is what grounds us and keeps us stable and calm. If you are working with the spirit world then your energy needs to be raised. You bring your frequency up, to then calm down again you need to bring the energy down again. In this video I guide you through some breathing techniques that you can use to keep yourself calm. Enjoy the video about this subject and do let me know what you thought or what methods you use to ground. Love, Jason
by Jason Goldsworthy CSNU 23 February 2022
Are you that puzzle piece that is just not fitting into the puzzle? Are you feeling out of your place in this world, then welcome to my world. I have felt like that often enough as a child, a youngster and even now. I just do not always fit into the puzzle. Too sensitive, too emotional, too easily upset, too much, I hear it a lot. Why can you just not let it go, why does it upset you so much? Things that I get asked often. To be honest I sometimes do not even know myself why I feel so much. It is just in my dna. I do not try to hide it anymore, I work with it, I use my sensitivity to bring positivity to others. What used to be considered as a weakness is something I now consider as my strenght! Sensitivitiy is a powerful tool that we can all use to help others and to make the world a little better. Enjoy the video about this subject and do let me know what you thought or how you are going to use your sensitivity as your strenght. Love, Jason
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